Breathing Air

Vertical Storage

Vertical storage units are designed as a free standing modules or can be integrated into the Guardian or RevolveAir charge stations. Vertical storage units are available with two or four ASME or DOT cylinders. Standard configuration is plumbed as one volume; cascade plumbing and controls are also available.
Properly sized storage system meets peak demand requirements Storage can provide operation in the event of a power failure Available cylinder configurations (1×2), (2×2), DOT’s come in 5000psi & 6000psi, ASME’s come in 6000psi.

Scott Safety



Breathing Air Systems Products by Scott Safety




Horizontal Storage

Horizontal storage units are designed as freestanding modules. Cylinders are positioned horizontally, utilizing two, four or six ASME cylinders. Standard configuration is plumbed as one volume. Cascade plumbing and controls are available. All ASME cylinders are dual coded for working pressures of 5200psi and 7000psi.

  • Meets all ASME-DOT-TC code
  • Properly sized storage system meets peak demand requirements
  • Storage can provide operation in the event of a power failure
  • Available cylinder configurations (1×2), (2×2), and (2×3)