Condensate Management products we sell:
- PolySep Oil Water Separators
- Electronic No-Loss Drains (ENLD)
- Pnuematic No-Loss Drains (PNLD)
- Electronic Drain Valves
What is air compression condensate?
In an air compression environment, condensate is a by-product derived from the cooling and dehydration process that compressed air generates and how it’s treated. Some types of air compressors use a small amount of lubrication in their system, which can enter into the air stream. This water/lubricant mixture produces and oily water mixture and must be treated before it can be disposed. Most states now consider air compressor condensate as a hazardous waste, so companies face tough new standards they must follow or they will be subject to stiff penalties for non-compliance. Proper separation equipment is necessary to keeping with state environmental laws and regulations.
One example of our condensate management products includes the Pnuematic No-Loss Drains (PNLD).